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Always supplied independently with batteries as a power source

We can help you find the right battery for every project. We show you what is important when using and selecting one.

What should be considered when using batteries?

Apart from the correct polarity when inserting the battery into the respective device and the rule that only rechargeable batteries may be recharged and not normal batteries, there are generally no special features to be observed.

Before inserting them, however, you should make sure that they are fully charged or still have enough power, unless they are rechargeable batteries. Some device classes have problems with batteries that are only half full, and the effects of these problems can vary greatly. From complete failure to less serious problems that do not immediately indicate that the battery is the cause.
When inserting the battery, make sure that the plus and minus poles are not mixed up. The location of these is indicated on the battery itself. The minus sign indicates the minus pole, the plus sign indicates the plus pole. The direction in which the battery must be inserted is marked on or in the respective device.

In the worst case scenario, when using batteries, the device may not work. In this case, the battery is either inserted incorrectly or is not suitable for the device. Damage cannot usually occur as long as the polarity is observed. However, one thing that should be observed in order to prevent batteries from leaking is that if the device is not being used for a long time, the energy source should be removed from the device and stored separately. Otherwise, unfortunately, they often tend to leak slowly. The battery acid should not be removed with bare hands.

Which battery is the right one?

Before choosing a suitable battery, you should consider where you want to use it. You can find out which type of cell is required in the user manual for the respective device. The type of battery required is also usually indicated on the device itself.

The batteries from our range can be optimally charged with our chargers. These allow several batteries to be charged simultaneously.
In addition to NiMH and NiCd batteries, we also offer lithium, lithium-ion batteries and button cells. Products such as the MagLite charger are also becoming increasingly popular. Batteries differ in particular in terms of their size and performance, but also in their charging behavior. These factors should be individually tailored to the respective area of ​​use.

Expert tip:

How to build a lemon battery

Electricity can be generated from a variety of fruits. This is especially true for citrus fruits. This battery works best with one or more fruits. Citrus fruits contain a lot of acid, which makes them suitable for this type of power generation.

What is also needed to generate electricity from a lemon are two different types of metal that are inserted into the fruit. These two different metals form the battery's electrodes, from which the voltage can be taken. They cause a chemical reaction in the lemon that is necessary to generate electricity.

How to build a lemon battery First, make the two electrodes for the battery. To do this, cut a one-and-a-half centimeter wide and six centimeter long strip of copper and zinc sheet. Alternatively, you can also use copper coins. A zinc wire can also be used for the zinc electrode. Then take the lemon and pierce both metal strips through the peel into the flesh. The strips must not touch each other inside, so they should be a little apart from each other. The two poles then give off the voltage. The copper strip is always the positive pole. Now connect a small electronic device (e.g. a watch) to test the lemon battery.

Questions: Batteries

Should batteries be removed from the device when not in use?

Yes. Even when the device is switched off, a small amount of current can flow, which after a long period of time can lead to a deep discharge, which can damage the battery and even destroy it. But even purchased batteries can easily leak if you leave them in an unused device for a long period of time.

How quickly does a battery charge?

This depends on the charger and the type and technology of the battery. In general, however, the higher the charging current, the faster the battery is full. Normal charging takes around 10 to 15 hours. Fast charging takes 2 to 3 hours, but the batteries must be suitable for this in any case.

What different types of batteries are there and what are their respective advantages and disadvantages?

In addition to the nickel-metal hydride (NiMh) batteries that are now sold as standard, nickel-cadmium batteries (NiCd) still have their place from time to time. For example, in cell phones that are constantly charging and are approximately 95% of the time in the charging station, NiMh batteries would be significantly worse. NiCd technology can handle this constant charging better. The ultimate solution is of course lithium-ion or LiIon technology, which is also used in modern cell phones and smartphones. This is one of the most expensive "power bars" but also the most energy-rich. A minimal development of this technology is LiPoly or lithium polymer technology. Cars and motorcycles usually use a lead battery, which is very heavy due to its main task, namely starting vehicles. When starting, very high loads occur for a short time, which are only possible due to a low internal resistance. Lead batteries can be roughly divided into liquid batteries and gel batteries. Other technologies that are somewhat different are zinc-carbon cells, which are also known as dry batteries, and silver-zinc cells.

Do new batteries have their full capacity immediately?

Do new batteries reach their full capacity immediately? No. New batteries only reach their full performance after a few charging and discharging cycles.

How high is the self-discharge of a battery?

Batteries can lose up to 80% of their charge within three months. The rate also depends on the ambient temperature. The higher the temperature, the greater the self-discharge.

Does the ambient temperature need to be taken into account when charging?

Yes. The batteries are best charged at room temperature. A temperature range of 15 to 30° C is recommended.

Can cells get hot when charging?

No. They may get warm, but not hot. If this is the case, they are either overcharged or defective. A good charger detects the increase in temperature and switches off automatically or reduces the charging power accordingly. Electronic chargers are generally suitable for this, as they are microprocessor-controlled and continuously monitor the charging process of each individual battery inserted.

When are alkaline batteries recommended?

If you want a really long battery life, you should use alkaline batteries instead of rechargeable batteries. Hardly any other battery can beat these in terms of power. The disadvantage: Although they will eventually run out, they cannot simply be thrown away when you are out and about, as this would be harmful to the environment. The fact that they cannot be recharged is also the biggest disadvantage of this type of battery.

What do the different battery designations like AAA mean?

These allow the classification of their size and voltage. The most common batteries and rechargeable batteries are cells with the construction factor AA, which are also called Mignon batteries or R6. They deliver 1.5 volts. The second most common type is probably AA, which can also be called Micro and delivers 1.2 V.

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