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A cool headscarf for hot missions

Fashion fans call them chic accessories. Outdoor lovers call them practical accessories, because headscarves are not only decorative, but can be an essential part of your equipment.

"Facing the sun"

Headscarves are not about keeping you warm. In fact, the opposite is the case: the brain needs to be protected from heat without the headgear being too bulky. At the same time, the additional textile in some variants has proven to be a good protection against wind, dust and sand. It is not without reason that male desert dwellers in oriental regions of the world consistently wear the "Kufiya", which is also known as the "Palestinian scarf", "Bandana" or "Shemag". Arab and Turkish people use headscarves almost as standard headgear.

The lightweight material is not heavy, but is well-suited to many weather conditions in warm regions with loose soil. Spontaneity plays an important role for Western Europeans: many models can be draped flexibly, used as a scarf when needed, or stowed in a bag to save space. This means that accessories are always within reach in your jacket or safari pants, which can prove to be convenient in the changeable weather of the German homeland.

For different purposes, the models are also available in different shapes, colors and camouflage patterns, for example black, red, with camouflage or other prints. These also include funny variants such as a pirate headscarf or with werewolf teeth. This means that you can "transform" yourself relatively easily even at carnival.

Traditional all-rounders and modern designs

The classic version is a shemag made of light cotton. The generously cut scarf is very open in terms of functionality and scores points with a wide range of uses, including being used by bikers. Here, elongated models, which can easily be arranged and cut to size as a turban, are distinguished from square versions with a diamond pattern. A camouflage scarf also provides warmth and, if necessary, connects the scarf to the hat. Modern tube scarves or headscarves are based on this design idea. This compact version is exceptionally versatile and can be used as a head covering, scarf, wrist warmer or headband. Thanks to their multifunctionality, these accessories are also trendy among women and children. A headwrap is a good sun protection option, bringing the pirate look into the contemporary fashion world. The scarf looks chic, tames the hair on the windy beach and keeps UV rays away from the head.

Expert tip: Prevent sunstroke

Although the sun is our friend and a source of energy - including for our body - it should be used with caution. In extremely hot situations, to which you may be exposed for a longer period of time, you should remember to avoid sunstroke.

If it does happen, fellow travelers should always know what to do. As a first aid measure, the affected person should of course be taken out of the sun and into the shade as quickly as possible.

Then you should help the person into an upright sitting position and, if possible, cool important parts of the body using wet towels, if available. But of course, fluid intake is also important.

To prevent this from happening, you can use a wet scarf on your head to create a longer-lasting cooling effect and keep the sun out.

Questions: Headscarves

How do you tie a headscarf?

Spread the headscarf out flat.
One corner must be folded so that its tip reaches the center of the square-shaped cloth.
Place your hands at the sides under the crease and place the scarf on your forehead at the desired height.

The hands must be moved towards the corners of the cloth and pulled together at the back of the head.
Hold the knot firmly with one hand to prevent it from coming loose, while using the other hand to guide the free, front end of the headscarf backwards.
Finally, tie another knot over the corner of the scarf that is pulled back. This effectively holds the headscarf between the two knots.

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