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Throwing knives


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Knives are not just for cutting

Throwing knives have a balanced blade and high-quality workmanship. ASMC shows what is important.

What should be considered when using throwing knives?

With throwing knives, you should make sure that the handle is easy to grip and not wet. Otherwise, there is a risk that your hand will slip on the handle and you or others could be injured with the throwing knife. There are actually no special features to be observed before using it for the first time; the throwing knife is ready for use straight away. Of course, it is important to familiarize yourself with the subject beforehand and, above all, to have plenty of space when practicing. Of course, there should be no people, animals or valuables such as cars nearby.
When throwing, you can benefit from the balanced properties of the throwing knife. Thanks to high-quality workmanship, the weight is distributed over the knife in such a way that, with a certain amount of practice, it will follow the specified flight path exactly.

Which throwing knife is the right one?

Throwing knives can be purchased in many different versions. Throwing knives differ in particular in terms of their size and handle. The handle can be grooved: This ensures a firm and secure hold until the knife "leaves" the hand. The size of the blade is purely a matter of taste. On the one hand, it should be suitable for the intended use, and on the other hand, it should not be too large. Smaller blades have a higher penetrating power and can be used much more effectively during maneuvers. The throwing knives are manufactured with particular care.

To ensure a perfect throw, the blade has been ground exactly the same on both sides. The balanced weight ensures that the knife's predetermined trajectory is maintained. Knives with an irregular weight tend to change their trajectory. Our range consists exclusively of products from renowned brand manufacturers. With their good reputation, their experience and their position as market leaders, they guarantee the excellent quality of their products.

Special knives:
• Karambit
• Combat knife
• Folding knife

Expert tip: You can throw pretty much anything

If you don't have a knife to hand, you can use other objects, as the throwing technique is what matters most. Once you've mastered this, you can make almost anything fly. Examples of misused objects include screwdrivers, cutlery knives, carpenter's nails, axes, chisels, or even ballpoint pens. Of course, you have to be particularly careful when choosing the "training" area, as if you don't have the technique down, the object you're throwing can quickly jump sideways and fly several meters in an unwanted direction.

Questions: Throwing knives

How long does it take to learn to throw?

With a little talent, anyone can learn the basics of knife throwing within half an hour. After that, you will usually be able to throw from a short distance (3 meters). The important thing here is to throw the knife in such a way that it sticks in the end. The thrower then gradually learns the finer points, such as precise aiming and hitting smaller targets.

What target should you use to practice knife throwing?

There is an unwritten rule among knife throwers: "We do not throw at living targets," including trees. The perfect target for throwing is a tree disk made of soft wood. The best disks are at least 50 cm in diameter and around 20 cm thick. In a pinch, however, a larger wooden surface patched together from individual old slats will do.

Which handle materials are used here or are knives without handle scales more suitable?

The best throwing knives are those with no frills. Bulging handles are not suitable. Hooks or curlicues at the end of the handle that could cause you to get caught are an absolute no-no. Good alternative materials would be leather or parachute cord wraps, but the handle should always be kept flat and straight.

Which blade material is particularly suitable for a throwing knife?

Throwing knives are subject to extremely hard use, much harder than other types of knives. The hardest stress that throwing knives have to endure is the collision between a thrown knife and one that is already stuck. Good throwing knives must not break as a result. Ideal throwing knife steels are therefore primarily tough, but do not have to be too hard. This means that non-stainless steel is the ideal material for throwing knives, and it is also easy to resharpen.

How heavy should a throwing knife be and why?

A throwing knife should always have a certain minimum weight so that it can be thrown as controlled and as effortlessly as possible. Since throwing knives should not be less than a certain length (23 cm), this results in a certain minimum weight. It should usually weigh around 250 grams, ideally a little more.

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