Payment methods

Purchase on account via PayPal

Payment by invoice via PayPal does not require a PayPal account. If you select PayPal as your payment method, you will be automatically redirected to their website at the end of the order process.

The payment method is available to you up to an order value of EUR 1,500 for deliveries within Germany available. You must also select a delivery address that is assigned to a direct recipient. You may not enter a packing station, field post or collective address. If the assignment of the recipient is unclear, your payment may be rejected by PayPal.

If you have any questions about your order and the shipment you can contact our customer service at any time. For all questions concerning the payment itself, you should contact Paypal directly.

Should you place your order return/cancel/change your order regardless of whether it happens before or after your goods have been dispatched, we will forward the information to PayPal. Paypal will then notify you as the buyer of the change and inform you of the new balance of your outstanding payment.

Payment to PayPal must be made within 14 days.

You can find the general terms and conditions of PayPal here here.

 Products that require proof of age cannot be paid for on account via PayPal.


Payment via PayPal requires a PayPal account. If you select this payment method, you will be automatically redirected to their website at the end of the order process.

NOTE: This also excludes items that require proof of age. These cannot be paid for on account via PayPal.

Credit card

When paying by credit card, there are no additional fees, so you can pay for your order easily and securely. We will charge the invoice amount to your credit card within 30 days of dispatching your order. For data protection reasons, your data will not be stored by ASMC. Visa, Master Card and American Express are accepted.

Additional protection for credit card purchases: By using MasterCard Secure Code and Verified by Visa, credit card purchases at ASMC are now even more secure. To use these services, you need to register once with your bank. You can then make purchases with your credit card without further authentication.


After completing your order, you will receive an order confirmation from us. You must then transfer the stated amount to the bank details listed there, stating your personal customer and order number. As soon as we have received your payment, we will initiate the shipment of your order.

Our bank details:
IBAN: DE40 5907 0070 0010 5353 02
Deutsche Bank PGK AG
Reason for payment: Order number/Order number

General note

Articles are not reserved. Therefore, when paying in advance, items may no longer be in stock once the payment has been booked.