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Ensure supplies on the go with ASMC food packages

Every trekking tour or expedition involves dangers and an uncertain supply of food. ASMC shows how this situation can be mitigated.

How do I use food for outdoor cooking, trekking food and single-person packs correctly?

Preparing food for outdoor meals is extremely simple. Freeze-drying reduces the individual ingredients to a minimum and packages them as a complete portion. This means that trekking food, similar to food for astronauts, has a long shelf life and takes up little space and is light in your luggage.

Usually, the amount of boiling water indicated on the package is required, which is poured into the torn open bag, stirred and then the bag closed again. After a soaking time of a maximum of 10 minutes with hot water (preparations with cold water take longer), the meal from the package, which can also be used as a food container, is ready to eat. Some foods can also be eaten without adding water.

Which outdoor food is right for me?

When travelling, trekking, on expeditions and adventures in hot or cold regions, on mountain tours and on the high seas, it is advisable to have at least one ration of trekking food in your luggage. The extremely light food ensures a nutritious and varied diet even in the most remote areas or in unpredictable situations. Trekking food eliminates the risk factor of missing food even under the most difficult physical exertion. A single portion provides the body with sufficient carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals.

Meals from the bag: Freeze-dried food is available in various flavors and pack sizes (e.g. "big packs") for breakfast (such as muesli with fruit), main meals (pasta, rice, potato, poultry, fish and meat dishes), soups and stews, desserts and sweet dishes (such as chocolate mousse, pudding) and as vegetarian, lactose or gluten-free dishes. The complete meals have a long shelf life without refrigeration and leave little waste.

Liquid food and mineral drinks in powder form and various flavors only need to be stirred into water and immediately provide new energy.

Single-person packages or packs (EPa's) of the German Armed Forces in various combinations (types) serve as operational rations when regular rations cannot be guaranteed. EPa's add up to 3,400 kcal per day to the body. Single-person packages consist of two main meals, a snack, canned bread, various sandwich toppings, jams, beverage extracts and other long-lasting ingredients.

Expert tip:

What can serve as a pot replacement for cooking food?

When it comes to preparing food in the middle of nature, there can sometimes be a shortage of pots or similar. However, large leaves are often available, e.g. from banana plants. Once the food has been wrapped, these are ideal for use as a cooking cover. Of course, several layers should be used here so that the food does not burn. Depending on the nature of the leaves, the food can be easily warmed up/cooked in the fire or on glowing coals.

Of course, before your trip or tour you should find out which plant species have large leaves and which of them are really non-toxic.

Questions: Food

What types of food packages do we offer?

Bundeswehr group catering: beverage extracts, morning, lunch or evening meals for 20 people in different combinations.

Day packages:

Compilation of a daily ration as in an EPa with an adjusted daily calorie consumption for cold or warm regions.

Canned meals:

Canned bread (wholemeal bread slices, free from preservatives, resealable metal can) as well as bratwurst or Krakauer in curry sauce and hamburgers to warm up in the can.

Air-dried, smoked meat:

Ready-to-eat meat snack made from lean, differently seasoned beef, turkey or chicken with a high protein, vitamin and iron content.

Versatile outdoor food (pemmican):

Concentrated food with a high energy content that can be eaten pure, as a spread, in soups and with other dishes.

Survival kit:

Preparation of a 30-day emergency ration with all meals for one person.

Emergency food/emergency rations:

Carbohydrate-rich, purely plant-based food enriched with vitamins and minerals that can be prepared quickly and easily using drinking water. Indispensable in emergency situations with access to water. Emergency rations contain drink extracts and cover the energy needs of an adult for a maximum of two days per pack.

Survival ration:

Light, compact food concentrate with a high calorie content that ensures survival in an emergency and is indispensable in mountain sports, for example.

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