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Shoe care accessories

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High-quality shoe care for military boots, trekking boots & more

Well-maintained footwear not only looks good, but also provides better protection for feet and legs. From handy shoe polish to a comprehensive shoe cleaning set, our shop has a wide range of items for a clean look.

Choosing and using shoe care products correctly

When choosing shoe care products, the most important criteria are material and color. Classic shoe polish can improve the color appearance, while beeswax and similar products help to add shine and protection.

For real leather, waterproofing spray is the right choice. It is sprayed on from a few centimeters away. This care ensures that the leather retains its supple character, which makes the shoes comfortable to wear and ensures a longer lifespan.

Shoe bags are the ideal purchase for safe and practical transport and are also available in larger sizes for boots. Their advantage is that they can be easily attached to the equipment, for example using laces.

Questions: Shoe care

What is called a Swiss shoe shine set?

This is a practical set for shoe care, which includes brushes in various sizes as well as small spatulas and is kept together in a handy carrying case.

Can shoe polish repair existing damage?

Shoe polish in the same color as the shoe or boot can easily cover up cracks and damage, but the footwear will still be damaged and may, for example, lose its hermetic function.

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