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Always be well prepared for every sleeping situation with hammocks

The hammocks are suitable for many different situations. ASMC shows what is important about hammocks.

What should be considered when using hammocks?

Before using a hammock, you should read the instructions for use. These provide valuable information on how to attach and use the hammock. They must be securely and stably attached on both sides. Otherwise, hammocks can quickly slip and cause unsightly bruises or even minor injuries. When getting into the hammock, you should quickly check its stability. Experience has shown that they tend to rock a little, so you should get in carefully.

Which one is the right one?

Hammocks can be purchased in different sizes and designs. There are different versions for outdoor and indoor use and different types such as a bar hammock. The size should be chosen so that as much space as possible is available. Some ASMC hammocks are available with a mosquito net, which allows you to sleep peacefully and relaxed even in tropical regions.

You can buy them in many different versions. The color scheme can be chosen according to your personal taste. Among other things, ASMC offers hammocks with camouflage elements and also simple models in white, green and black tones. While some models consist of large nets, others have a continuous lying surface. The continuous lying surface ensures stability and is ideal for lying down safely. Hammocks with nets offer the advantage that a lot of air gets to the body. This is particularly recommended in warmer regions: sweating is reduced and the appearance is improved. At ASMC you can choose between many different types of hammocks.

Expert tip:

Special hammocks as small one-man tent

Special hammocks that are also small one-man tents that can be used both on the ground and up above, safe from crawling and small animals. The all-round mosquito net keeps annoying insects away.

Questions: Hammocks

What determines the comfort of a hammock?

The size and shape of a hammock and where it is attached have a decisive influence on how comfortable it is to lie on. The wider it is, the better the lying position. Hammock beginners tend to prefer hammocks with spreaders. True experts prefer models without spreaders. Cotton hammocks are also softer than nylon ones and are therefore more comfortable to lie on.

Is it bad if the hammock gets wet?

In principle, hammocks should be protected from moisture and humidity. If the hammock is made of nylon, moisture is not a major issue, but models made of cotton fabrics should be hung up to dry as quickly as possible.

The hammock is sagging, what to do?

If you prefer to lie on one side of the hammock, this side will stretch more quickly due to the one-sided load. This means that it will sag more on this side, which can affect your sleeping comfort. To counteract this, you should simply lie on the other side as well; the problem will resolve itself.

How do you get into a hammock?

Getting in takes practice. You should make sure that you get in with your bottom first in order to distribute your body weight as well as possible. If you take this into account, the rest will happen automatically. To get up, simply let your legs hang out of the hammock and stand up. But be careful: no sharp objects in the hammock!

How high should a hammock be hung?

The hanging height should be around 70% of the total length. The further away, the better. If the hanging distance is 4 meters, a hanging height of just under 3 meters is recommended. Always hang the hammocks as high as possible.

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