Candles & torches


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Candles and torches for outdoor use

With the candles and torches from the ASMC range, you can brighten up the atmosphere outdoors and add value to a “natural”, pleasant light source.

What should be taken into account when using it?

Ideally, candles and torches should be placed on a solid surface that is not in the immediate vicinity of easily flammable materials such as dry branches. A firm and secure base ensures that no unwanted fires can be started.

While candles and torches are burning, they should always be supervised. However, removing them for a short time is not considered to be a problem. Torches often have a collecting container on the bottom. This is intended to catch dripping liquid and prevent skin injuries. Before lighting the torch, you should check whether the collecting container is still there. When lighting the torch, it should be held horizontally.
Torches are extremely wind-resistant. Candles are not as resistant. Therefore, you should try to choose a location for candles that is protected from the wind to a certain extent.

Which variants are right for me?

First, you should consider what the torches and candles are used for. Torches are relatively easy to handle and can be carried or set up outdoors. The wax torches in our range differ in particular in terms of their size. The longer a torch is, the longer it burns.
In addition to individual products, you can also buy sets that contain several torches or candles. Candles can be either conventional wax candles or versions with scents. These provide a pleasant smell that promotes relaxation and brightens the atmosphere. There are also versions that usually smell like lemon and are supposed to help repel mosquitoes. So-called survival candles have several wicks, which are therefore even more wind-resistant. If the wind tries to blow the fire in a certain direction, the wicks will keep each other's flames alive.

Expert tip:

Make your own wax torch

Required material: - (Relatively straight) sticks - Special torch fabric, jute sacks or pieces of cotton cloth - Wax (ideal source: old candle stubs) - Pot - Beer mats - Wire

Instructions: To make torches yourself, the wax or the wax residues must be melted (ideally in an old pot) so that you can dip the special torch fabric pieces or alternatively old jute sacks or cotton cloths in them. The smaller the cloths, the more layers you can wrap around the sticks that act as the torch handles. Do this until a certain thickness is reached. While everything is still warm and flexible, the cloths should be secured using a wire. A few turns around the stick should be enough. The last step is to put the beer mat or similar material on the stick so that it is above the hand and (far!) below the fuel. This prevents hot wax from dripping onto your hand.

Material alternatives: Where do you get wax if you don't have any on hand? Instead of wax, you can also simply use resin from trees, preferably from conifers (fir, spruce, pine, etc.). With resin, you don't actually need a pot or beer mat as a drip guard, but a large leaf (e.g. coltsfoot) can also be used as one. The stick (handle) should not be too short. Instead of a cotton cloth, tree bark can also be used as a substitute material so that your own clothing does not have to be torn. It must be dry, however, so it should be taken from dead wood. Tip: Secure it with a wire. But: Where do you get a wire from? Of course, outdoor professionals should always carry something like this with them, but in a pinch, an old deer grazing fence might also help.

Questions: Candles and torches

Can torches be used in the rain?

There is nothing wrong with using torches in light rain. However, in heavy showers the flame of a torch can go out.

What is the best way to delete them?

Since torches are usually used outdoors, they are more resistant to wind and water than candles. To avoid dangerous situations, it is advisable to either let the torches burn down or to extinguish them by depriving them of oxygen (e.g. sticking the torch into the ground with the flame first or shoveling sand and earth onto it with a spade).

Caution: The use of water may in isolated cases lead to explosions.

What should you keep in mind when lighting torches/candles?

Handle the wick carefully so that it stands upright and does not break. Make sure that no foreign objects get into the liquid wax, as these can affect the burning behavior.

How long do pillar candles need to burn to achieve the best possible burn?

Stumps should always be left to burn until the diameter of the burning bowl is 100% filled with liquid wax in order to avoid a funnel when the candle is lit repeatedly and thus not to affect the burning time of the candle.

Why do pillar candles often have a residue that doesn't burn?

It is never guaranteed that pillar candles will burn completely, as they often have a thorn hole in the base. The last part of the thorn hole cannot burn because the wick cannot hold itself in this part of the candle. In the worst case, it will fall over and go out.

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