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Optimally protected against adverse weather with Bundeswehr and camouflage gaiters

With our selection of gaiters, you are prepared for any expedition and even inhospitable weather – no matter where you go.

Gaiters provide additional protection from ankle to knee

Gaiters offer several protective functions: They prevent moisture from penetrating your shoes, protect you from injuries caused by thorns or bushes, and to a certain extent also prevent ticks from getting under your clothing. Gaiters are light and pack down small, which is why it is always advisable to have a pair with you on longer tours. They are also a great addition to a poncho, as the latter only protects up to the knees. Gaiters are usually attached to the shoe with hooks and just below the knees. Some models are also held in place with a strap that goes under the shoe. They can be put on and taken off in a very short time, which is probably the biggest advantage over full-body rain protection clothing, which is rather cumbersome and time-consuming to put on. This is a not insignificant advantage, especially when you are out and about in sudden rain, for example.

Questions: Gaiters

What do gaiters protect against?

From dirt, moisture, thorns and ticks. Gaiters are usually not completely waterproof, which is why moisture can penetrate through uncovered seams, for example. They are therefore no substitute for waterproof boots. Nevertheless, they can provide a clear first barrier against wet shoes.

Which gaiters for which purpose?

For mountain hikes or climbing tours, we recommend more robust models that also help to stabilize the foot. If heavy rain is expected, gaiters with a membrane are preferable. In terms of size, it is best to base your choice on your shoe size, unless a universal size is offered.

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