Water treatment


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ASMC’s water disinfection options ensure clean drinking water

With water disinfection or drinking water treatment, drinking and service water can be preserved and disinfected. We show you what is important when selecting and using it.

What should be considered when disinfecting water?

When disinfecting water, it is important to follow the correct procedure. In the worst case, incorrect use can lead to water that is contaminated with germs, which can also cause illness.

Before using the drinking water filter for the first time, the instructions should be read carefully. These provide information on how to use/operate the model or variant in each individual case. In general, there is not much that can go wrong when using water filters. The devices are easy to use and robustly manufactured.

Which type of water disinfection is the right one?

Before choosing a device for water disinfection or a chemical method in powder or liquid form, you should consider the intended area of ​​application. Our range includes many different products. Water filters differ in particular in terms of their performance. While some water filters primarily filter out pathogens, coli bacteria and pests, other filters also remove chlorine, heavy metals and impurities. Some water filters even improve the taste.

The weight of most water filters is quite low. The performance of many models is around 0.3 liters per minute. In addition to classic water filters, powder or liquid versions can also be purchased that disinfect and preserve drinking and industrial water. These products can be used to preserve water for several months.

Which product is used to disinfect water depends primarily on the intended application and individual needs. However, you can't go wrong with the products from our range because they come from renowned brand manufacturers and have proven themselves in practice.

Expert tip:

Making water drinkable without chemicals

How to purify water from nature

When you are out and about, it can happen that you run out of clean water. If you do not have a professional water filter system and do not have any chemical tablets or powders or water disinfecting liquids with you, you can use an alternative method with just a few resources:

The best option is to use a homemade water filter that consists of several layers. This requires grass, sand (clean everything as well as possible beforehand) and charcoal. A coffee filter is of course ideal and should always be carried around in case of need due to its light weight and versatility. Alternatively, you can cut a plastic bottle to size and make holes in the bottom for the filtered water to flow through.

The coffee filter, or alternatively grass and leaves, or ideally straw, should be placed on the lowest level of the filter. Then comes a layer of sand or, if necessary, earth. Then comes a layer of ground coal (the coal should be ground into a powder if possible). Now there should be another layer of sand or earth, which should be finished off with another coffee filter or grass.

The whole thing should be boiled after filtering to be on the safe side. Filtering only filters out the coarsest impurities, but does not disinfect the water. One last recommendation: flowing water is always preferable to standing water.

Questions: Water disinfection

What substances can contaminate water?

There are three groups of contaminants: organisms, chemicals and suspended matter. In the worst case scenario, four groups of organisms can be found in the water: multicellular organisms, unicellular organisms, bacteria and viruses.


does not remove suspended matter or chemicals. However, single- and multi-cell organisms, bacteria and viruses are reliably killed by boiling. The water should be boiled properly for at least 10 minutes. The rest of the necessary water purification/filtering can be found in our expert tip above.

Germ-free water - what methods are there?

Disinfecting water by boiling: Boil water for at least 10 minutes and (in principle) you have drinking water. Advantages: No chemicals required, no additional equipment, inexpensive and very reliable if boiled for a reasonable amount of time. Disadvantages: Fuel is required, the boiling point of the water drops with increasing altitude - but the boiling time increases, the taste and smell of the water are not improved, chemical substances may remain in the water.

Chemical water disinfection:

In this process, pathogens in the water are killed chemically by adding drops, powder or tablets. Advantages: Extremely easy and quick to do without much effort, small packaging volume, long-term preservation, disinfection of large quantities of water at once possible. Disadvantages: Taste and smell of the water can be affected, high costs per disinfected liter of drinking water, long exposure times of over 30 minutes, chemical substances may remain in the water.

Mechanical water disinfection:

Depending on the filter used, bacteria, viruses and protozoa are filtered out of the water. Some water filters also have activated carbon elements to neutralize the taste. Advantages: Reliable disinfection, no fuel required, long-lasting, taste and smell improved with activated carbon filter, sometimes even filters chemicals, water can be drunk immediately. Disadvantages: Additional weight and packing volume, high purchase price, filter elements can become clogged and require frequent cleaning, pumping can be strenuous.

Which water filters are used at 7 vs Wild?

In the gripping survival series 7 vs Wild, water purification plays a crucial role in the survival of the participants. The water filters used are specially designed to extract drinkable water from natural water sources. To discover exactly the water filters used in 7 vs Wild, you can visit the ASMC - 7 vs Wild page . There you will find a carefully selected collection of water filters that are not only used in the series, but are also recommended by outdoor enthusiasts and survival experts. These products offer reliable solutions for clean drinking water in any wilderness situation, just as demonstrated in the series.

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