GPS devices


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Find the right way with GPS devices

Modern navigation devices based on GPS offer a wide range of applications for cyclists, trekking enthusiasts or geocaching fans. We show you what is important when choosing a GPS device. The Global Positioning System was originally developed by the American Department of Defense in the 1970s, at that time of course only for internal purposes. Fortunately for all civilian or private users, GPS and its satellites are now free to use. The positioning accuracy is usually in the order of 10 to 1 meter.

What needs to be taken into account when using it?

The map material of the navigation device should always be up to date. Customer-friendly providers guarantee free updates of the map material with the purchase of a navigation device. If you are going to be using the GPS for a longer period of time, you should make sure that it has a sufficient power supply. Connections for the cigarette lighter in the car or as a USB cable for the computer are worthwhile accessories. Securely attaching the device to the body, e.g. with a specially prepared bag, makes handling the device easier. Despite all the security, the GPS device should be accessible with one hand.

How do you find the right GPS device for you?

Before choosing a navigation, tracking or GPS logger system, you should consider what the GPS device is intended to do and what type of terrain it will be used in. Many models are optimized for drivers and offer a comprehensive overview of the German road network, but this material is not sufficient for cyclists or trekking enthusiasts. Large and expensive devices can be equipped with extensive maps with different scales and functions, in which case you may end up paying too much for the comprehensive equipment.

From classic route planning to marking your own routes to special functions such as a compass or barometer, many GPS devices offer numerous extras. Before buying, the entire range of functions should be checked in order to get the best performance from the device for you. At the start of a trip or excursion, all of the important functions of the GPS system should be mastered so that you do not encounter difficulties with certain settings along the way. The more functions you want, the more complex the operation is likely to be and the more time you should invest in using the navigation device correctly beforehand. Ultimately, the shape is a decisive criterion when purchasing a GPS device. Systems in the form of a watch on the wrist are compact and comfortable, but may make menu navigation more difficult. Larger models are more robust and easy to use, but must be carried on the body as additional luggage.

GPS loggers are devices that are designed purely to record a track, i.e. a route. Since they usually do not have a display or other functions, the battery naturally lasts a lot longer.

When weighing the pros and cons of different GPS models, the addition of aradio should also be considered. Radios provide a reliable communications alternative, especially in areas where GPS signal strength may be weak or in emergency situations where direct communication is critical. They can play an important role in the overall equipment, especially when navigating in remote or difficult terrain.

Expert tip: Orientation by the stars

Here's how it works: This is how you navigate using the stars: If you don't have a positioning device available and the constellations are unfamiliar or the North Star is hidden behind clouds, you can still orient yourself using the stars. Any star that is close to a fixed point is suitable for this. A stick, a rocky outcrop or a treetop are suitable fixed points. You have to observe the star directly above the fixed point for a few minutes. Important: Neither you nor the fixed point may move. After just a few minutes you can see that the star is moving relative to the earth. The direction of movement can now be roughly deduced from the direction of movement:
• Star rising upwards: East
• Star sinks downward: West
• Star moves to the right: South
• Star moves to the left: North
Note : This type of orientation is an approximate method and gives only a rough indication of the compass direction.

Questions: GPS

The GPS reception is not working – what to do?

Please note that locating in buildings or other enclosed spaces is always very difficult, as the GPS signals can be blocked in this case. To minimize sources of error, locating should take place outdoors if possible. Make sure there are no barriers in the way. If the navigation function is in offline mode for several hours, all data and settings must be determined or recalculated when it is started. This means that more time is needed to establish the satellite connection. This can take several minutes.

Do you need maps to go on planned tours?

Usually you don't need them anymore. However, a good tour planner is not limited to just a navigation tool. Maps offer the possibility of alternative routes and contain additional information about the region.

Some tours lead through dense forest. Is there reception there?

Very dense forest, mountain valleys and unfavorable satellite positions can interfere with reception. Since the position of the GPS changes constantly during most activities (tours), the failure is usually only short-lived and reorientation is possible immediately.

What advantages does a GPS device have over hiking maps?

GPS devices show the immediate surroundings on a variable scale. It always knows where you are going and where you are. You can zoom in and don't have to fold, as is usual with hiking maps. Other advantages are that you can read the speed and altitude.

Does the route you want to take have to be saved on the GPS device beforehand?

No, it doesn't have to. You can plan a tour on the computer and transfer it to the GPS device if you want. You can tell the device to guide you along the quickest or shortest route to your destination, or you can simply use the device as a map.

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