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Chest Rigs


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Equipped with sturdy chest rigs like professional military

The chest rig, a military-used chest or equipment belt, offers space for countless accessories during maneuvers and other activities. We at ASMC show you what is important when choosing the right variant.

How to use a chest rig correctly – what should you keep in mind?

Attaching a new rig is a little complicated at first, especially for beginners. Basically, the system of straps and belts is put on like a classic top. Since the chest strap is usually worn under jackets and possibly other clothing, you should check that the chest rig fits securely and comfortably before putting it on. After attaching the carrying system, you should check that all of the pockets and compartments on the strap can be easily reached and opened with one hand.

Especially for military use, it is essential to be able to access all the items on your body directly and easily. When filling the individual pockets, it is important to ensure that the load is evenly distributed across the body and that the weight is distributed sensibly. Even if the individual items are held close to the body, an asymmetrical distribution will quickly become noticeable - even more so the longer you are out and about with all the items.

Select the right models for your own business

When buying the best rig, a crucial question is how much space is needed for tools, magazines, provisions or other utensils. Not every maneuver and every activity in your free time or in the semi-professional sector requires the same number of accessories, and the dimensions of the chest rig should take this into account. The number and position of the fastening loops and rings also depend on this, and they should always ensure a firm fit under any weight load.

If your body measurements do not correspond to the norm, you should check in advance whether the straps can be adjusted to suit your individual needs. The chest rig was developed as a practical carrying system for the military and is therefore often available in camouflage colors. In addition, there are also versions for private use that are a useful tool for leisure trips, scout trips or similar activities.
Anyone who wants to purchase a carrying system for private use should be able to get by with slightly smaller chest rigs in favor of a lower purchase price.
These often also have a lighter weight due to thinner materials.

Can be assembled individually

Chest rigs with Molle system offer a variety of attachment options thanks to the standardized loops, which can even extend over the entire area of ​​the shoulder pads. So it is up to you how many storage options you want to attach to the carrying system. MOLLE is an abbreviation for MODular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment -

Expert tip: A MOLLE Chest Rig is

Literally - to carry. It was developed as a military system for attaching and carrying equipment and objects and is characterized by a standardized fastening base made of textile fabric (carrying strips) connected to the rig with multiple seams.

Questions: Chest Rigs

Chest rig or tactical vest?

Chest rig, such as the popular MK II, or a tactical vest, that is the question. Soldiers, hunters and airsoft players in particular should take a close look at both concepts. In everyday life, you have to carry a lot of equipment with you. Not all parts can be stowed in a backpack, some have to be within easy reach, e.g.: flashlight, knife, safety glasses, etc. There are two solutions to be able to carry the full equipment with you: the chest rig and the tactical vest. Which one you choose depends, as is often the case, on the area of ​​use and personal preferences.

The tactical vest

The tactical vest offers a variety of small and large pockets: there is a suitable pocket for every piece of equipment. The pockets are arranged so that everything can be easily reached. Tactical vests have the advantage of distributing the weight evenly across the whole body, as they also have pockets on the back. This also gives rise to the small disadvantage of the system: you can no longer use backpacks.

The Chest Rig

The rig is the modern solution for transport. It consists of a stable carrying system. There is a module on the carrying straps to which numerous large and small bags can be attached. This means that every object has its place. Unlike the vest, there are no pockets on the back. The big advantage of the chest rig is the ability to carry backpacks without restrictions.

Are there special versions for women?

Chest rigs, e.g. from TacGear, are unisex carrying systems that are available in different sizes. It is recommended that women (who are generally more petite than men) choose smaller sizes to ensure optimal comfort and a good fit.

What is the best way to clean the systems?

The best option is a mild detergent (sensitive), with a soft brush (never use steel brushes) and clean water. Important: The items must not be put in the washing machine or dryer, as the high temperatures could cause the material to deform. Do not leave in the sun or over an open fire, but allow to dry slowly at room temperature.

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