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Peaked caps – the perfect match for military uniforms

Peaked caps are ideal for people who perform responsible tasks and have a high rank. In the Bundeswehr, these are respected people who wear this headgear with pride and dignity.

Special features of the peaked caps

They are particularly used to distinguish people who work in the civil service. Peaked caps are a strategic part of the uniform not only in the air force and navy, but also in the land forces of the German armed forces. At airlines, pilots can be recognized by their airline peaked cap. But peaked caps are also part of the uniformed everyday work of police officers and law enforcement officers.

Questions: Peaked caps

What do peaked caps reveal?

In the German army, they adorn people with high ranks. Different ranks can be recognized by the design and color scheme of the headgear. Our ASMC peaked caps also clearly define the respectful objects for admirals, generals or naval officers.

What is this particular form of headgear supposed to represent?

In addition to its very dignified design, it also has to protect the eyes and face from sunlight and rain.

What can ASMC peaked caps be used for?

For lovers of military items, our peaked caps are magnificent collector's items. Some of them come from the Navy's original stocks. However, our models for admirals and generals can also be used for official purposes.

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