Legal notice is an offer of the:

Industrial Park Klinkenthal 55
66578 Schiffweiler

Contact within Germany:
Phone: 06821 - 94 49 666
(costs of the German landline network)
Fax: 0800 - 27 62 33 01
(free service number for faxes from Germany)

Contact outside Germany:
Phone: +49 6821 - 94 49 666
Fax: +49 1805 - 27 62 44


Opening hours of the Service Center:
Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 17:00

Bank details within Germany:
IBAN DE40 5907 0070 0010 5353 02
Deutsche Bank PGK AG

Under you can also contact our management directly at any time with your problems and complaints.

You can contact our data protection officer directly at

Birk Borkhard

Registered at Saarbrücken Local Court, HRB 18533

Registered office of the company: Schiffweiler
Place of fulfillment: Schiffweiler
Commercial register HRB18533
Sales tax ID: DE 270 579 823

Responsible for own contents of ASMC GmbH according to § 5 TMG: Birk Borkhard.

Permission for the trade with firearms and ammunition according to § 21 Weapons Act of 24.06.2010 issued by the Ordnungsamt 66104 Saarbrücken (supervisory authority) for Birk Borkhard.

Platform of the EU Commission for online dispute resolution:

Information according to the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG)

In our store, we offer electrical and electronic devices that fall under the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG). When these have become waste, they are referred to as "old appliances". The proper disposal of "old appliances" is important to us.

Using the symbol of a crossed-out dustbin, owners can identify old appliances that must be collected separately from unsorted municipal waste at the end of their service life. Used batteries and accumulators that are not enclosed by the old appliance must be separated from it before being handed in. Owners of old appliances from private households can hand them in at the collection points of the public waste disposal authorities or at the take-back points set up by manufacturers or distributors in accordance with the ElektroG. They do not belong in household waste! You can find an online list of collection and take-back points at here.

This ensures that old appliances are recycled professionally and negative effects on the environment are avoided.

We are a member of the take-back system "take-e-back", our WEEE reg. no. is DE 65010510 . Further information can be found at

Information according to the Battery Act (BattG)

In our store we offer batteries and rechargeable batteries that fall under the Battery Act (BattG). The proper disposal of used batteries is important to us.

Used batteries can contain harmful substances that can damage the environment or your health if they are not stored or disposed of properly. However, batteries also contain important raw materials that can be recycled.

Batteries containing harmful substances are marked with a symbol consisting of a crossed-out dustbin and the chemical symbol (Cd/cadmium, Hg/mercury or Pb/lead) of the heavy metal responsible for the classification as containing harmful substances.

As a consumer, you are legally obliged to dispose of used batteries properly. Disposal in household waste is expressly prohibited according to the BattG. You can dispose of used batteries and rechargeable batteries free of charge at a municipal collection point or at your local retailer.
Of course, you can return the batteries you have purchased from us after use to one of our branches or send them back to us by post with sufficient postage.

Battery returns
Industrial Park Klinkenthal 55
D-66578 Schiffweiler

This ensures that used batteries are recycled properly and negative effects on the environment are avoided.

We then dispose of these batteries and rechargeable batteries in accordance with the legal requirements. Batteries containing harmful substances are marked with the symbol of a crossed-out dustbin. The chemical name of the hazardous substance can be found under the waste garbage can symbol.