Mesh Pocket Set

Mesh Pocket Set

14,99 €
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Mesh Pocket Set
Tasmanian Tiger
Mesh Pocket Set - Olive
14,99 €
incl. VAT, Shipping calculated at Checkout

The Tasmanian Tiger Mesh Pocket Set is a three-part mesh pocket set. The pockets of different sizes allow you to store items in your backpack. The bags can also be attached to belts or other attachments using clip hooks.

The Mesh Pocket Set is available in olive and yellow (Safety Yellow) .

- Material: 100% polyamide (T-Square Rip Light)

- Small bag: 19.5 x 14.5 cm / 20 g
- Medium bag: 24 x 19 cm / 25 g
- Large bag: 34.5 x 24 cm / 35 g

SKU: 31873

  • Maße:
    - Tasche klein: 19,5 x 14,5 cm / 20 g
    - Tasche mittel: 24 x 19 cm / 25 g
    - Tasche groß: 34,5 x 24 cm / 35 g

Materialzusammensetzung: 100 % Polyamid (T-Square Rip Light)

Klingenlänge: Nein

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